Ropecon is an event organised by Ropecon ry
Ropecon ry is a non-profit association that aims to develop and promote the role-playing game, card game, board game and miniature wargame hobbies in Finland. The most well-known and notable form of activity of the association is organising Ropecon each year.
The following role-playing game related associations and organisations located both in the Helsinki region as well as nationwide all over Finland are members of Ropecon ry:
Alter Ego ry
Etelä-Suomen Rooli- ja Strategiapeliyhdistys ry
Harmaasudet ry
Nopat ja Taktiikka ry
Otaniemen RoolipeliClubi ry
Suomen lautapeliseura ry
Suomen live-roolipelaajat ry
Suomen roolipeliseura ry
In order to support the role-playing game, card game, board game and miniature wargame hobbies in Finland, Ropecon ry awards grants with discretion for projects that aim to develop and promote these hobbies. For example, Arpacon and the Nordic Larp Conference Solmukohta are events that are made possible with the support of Ropecon ry.
For more information on grants, how to apply and what projects have been supported in the past, please visit the website of the association. Grants for material purchases are processed continuously, although it is recommended to apply for the grant at least a month before the event is due, for example.
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